On November 4, 2009, over 80 percent of the citizens of Huntsville voted to fund the renovation and expansion of Huntsville Public Library. The library building has not been renovated since it was built in 1967.
The $3.5 million bond will more than triple the size of the current library building, increasing the square footage from 7,000 to 22,000. The expanded library will provide a great number of benefits for our community, including:
- A total of 81 parking spaces.
- Double the amount of shelf space (this means more books, movies, and CDs).
- Larger children's and genealogy rooms.
- A large meeting room for special programs and events.
- More places to study and read.
After the vote, the Huntsville Item ran a story with more details which can be read
here. The library bond was also one of the
biggest stories of 2009 according to the Item.
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